Mainland Football staff updates

Mainland Football is excited to confirm Aaron Clapham as the regions Technical Director.

Aaron will oversee all aspects of the technical team including the management of the tech team staff and taking a position on the Senior Leadership Team at Mainland. The Federation is extremely happy to be able to promote from within and know that we're certainly in great hands as he has so ably demonstrated since Lee's departure. A large part of Aaron's time recently has been spent on filling a couple of rolls - and with that, we're excited to announce;

Katie Adams as our new Women & Girls Lead.  Katie comes to us from WORD, a youth mountain bike charity, where she held the role of Programme Manager. She has previously worked for Sport Canterbury, in their Green Prescription Team, and the Wellington City Council where she held various roles within their Sport & Recreation Department. She is a former player having played locally, and is sister to Blair Duncan, Capital Football's Competitions Manager. Katie started with us on Monday and is straight into delivering the "Girls & Women's month" program for the region. 

We have also bought on Hemi Innes, in a fixed term role until July. Working within Community Development & Engagement, Hemi will assist Adam in the delivery of Football for All, the Kōtuitui Schools Program, and in developing a working relationship with Māori Football Aotearoa. Hemi has recently completed his Law & Science Degree from the University of Canterbury and will be well known to the community having played for the Canterbury United Futsal Dragons for many years as well as playing local football for various clubs.

Mainland Football CEO, Martin Field-Dodgson states "We're really excited about bringing Katie and Hemi on board - primarily because they are both awesome human beings! They're also sharp operators and the opportunities that exist in their roles will be ground breaking for the sport. Being able to call on the qualities of Aaron to fill Lee's shoes is not only a nod to how well our technical team has been functioning over recent years -  but also is testament to Aaron and the skills that he adds to our environment".

On behalf of our community - welcome Katie & Hemi to the "family"! 

Article added: Thursday 14 March 2024


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