What is Kickin' It?

Are you a young female aged between 13-19 years old looking to give football or futsal a go in a non-competive, fun and social environment? Come give Kickin' It a go!

The aim of the Kickin' It is to provide more social participation opportunities for young females aged 13-19 years old. Kickin' It hubs provide young females a fun and safe environment to experience football or futsal with their friends and peers, in a smaller format (5v5, 7v7).

Aligned to Sport NZ’s 'It’s My Move' campaign, and the recommendations from the NZF Secondary School Aged Football Report, we want to lead and grow the movement towards more positive and inclusive experiences for young women in our communities. Young women want to be active and know physical activity is good for them.

East Hub Christchurch

Where:      Eastern Canopy, Rawhiti Domain
When:        Wednesday 24 July - 21 Aug 
Duration: Every Wednesday for 5 weeks
Time:          3.15 - 4.00pm
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Age:            13-18 year olds

This programme is run in collaboration with School Sport Canterbury

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